博克斯 student team developing EV charging stations receives national recognition


凯瑟琳·豪泽, Assistant Teaching Professor of Engineering; John Gatto, Principal 和 CEO of JGO Services LLC; 和 乔纳森•史密斯, Streamline Charging LLC founding member with Streamline Charging LLC's half-scale prototype.


WYOMISSING,爸爸. 赌博平台大全的学生创业团队streamlined Charging LLC因其灵活且经济实惠的电动汽车(EV)充电解决方案而获得了全国和全校的认可,该解决方案改变了公寓居民和加油站客户的充电体验. 的 team was recently selected to participate in two programs: VentureWell’s 开放思想创新者展示欢乐谷LaunchBox’s spring 2023 Fast Track Accelerator, a signature program of the Invent Penn State initiative. 

根据团队的说法,他们是 革命性的电动汽车充电技术可以为每个车站提供多达10个停车位, 减少高达60%的安装成本,并使电动汽车更容易进入现有的加油站. 

National recognition through 开放思想创新者展示

OPENminds创新者展示会是VentureWell加速器E-Team项目校友展示他们突破性技术创新的机会. 的 event is held in conjunction with OPEN, VentureWell的年度会议, 3月18日至20日, 在圣地亚哥, 加州. 

该团队是根据一个90秒的宣传视频选出的,该视频突出了他们的技术价值主张, market potential 和 progress toward revenue.


去年, streamlined Charging是VentureWell Accelerator E-Team项目选中的22支国家队之一, 支持学生创业. 流线型充电获得5美元奖励,000 in funding 和 an opportunity to participate in the Pioneer Workshop, 旨在帮助团队发现其发明的最佳市场,并启动他们的项目.  

先驱者工作坊于 引擎, 这是麻省理工学院在波士顿建立的一个联合办公空间,帮助发展和培育由创始人组成的“艰难的科技生态系统”, 创业公司, 学者, 战略企业合作伙伴, 政策制定者和资本提供者. 在那里, Streamline Charging worked on developing 和 refining its customizable, 低成本的电动汽车充电技术.

University-wide recognition through Invent Penn State Fast-Track Accelerator

最近, 流线科技是由PNC银行2024年春季快速通道加速器项目资助的欢乐谷启动箱接受的九家早期创业公司之一. 

FastTrack runs from mid January through March 和 consists of nine weekly group meetings, plus one-on-one mentoring from advisers 和 experts in business, 法律和知识产权. Teams also gain access to a suite of free tools 和 coworking space at 欢乐谷LaunchBox, which is located on the second floor of the 埃里克J. 巴伦创新中心.


流线型充电始于一群完成了学院基础工程设计课程(EDSGN 100)的十大正规赌博平台大全伯克克斯分校的学生,后来通过机械工程独立研究(ME 297)组成了一个团队。. 独立学习课程的目标是为一年级的工程专业学生提供一个独特的机会,让他们在定制的课程结构中追求自己的兴趣,并推进工程设计项目.
通过这门课程和十大正规赌博平台大全的课程,博克斯的学生在各个阶段都取得了成功 Flemming Creativity, 企业家hip 和 Economic Development (CEED) Center programs, which led to their applying for 和 receiving the E-Team Program grant.  

的 Streamline Charging team completed the CEED Center’s 客户发现实验室, 是什么指导团队验证他们的商业假设,并将崭露头角的企业家与导师联系起来. At completion of the 客户发现实验室, the team received an NSF I-Corps microgrant to develop their prototype. Streamline Charging received another seed grant from the CEED Center VentureWell Project, “STEM课程的交叉授粉,以维持企业家团队的颠覆性技术解决方案。.”  

的 founding members of Streamline Charging include Melanie MacKinnon, 乔纳森•史密斯, Nathan Vreel和和Mark Yazemboski. MacKinnon, Smith 和 Vreel和 attended the E-Team Program in the summer of 2023.

从那时起, 该团队已经扩大到包括来自伯克分校和大学公园分校的几名新的工程专业学生. 除了创始成员国, the following students began their studies at 博克斯: Sean Magilton, 布雷登·里特和扎卡里·施莱格尔. 大学公园的学生Rohan Chaudhary, Shayaan G和hi和Loc Phan也加入了这个团队. All team members began their engineering degrees at 宾州州立银行, 除乔杜里, 甘地和潘, 谁是最近加入这个组织的.

他们的工程学院导师是 凯瑟琳·豪泽, assistant teaching professor of engineering, 和 their business faculty mentor is 萨旦Kulturel-Konak, professor of management information systems 和 the director of the 弗莱明CEED中心. 的 team also worked with business mentors: John Gatto, principal 和 CEO of JGO Services LLC; Charles Snyder of East Penn Manufacturing; 和 Tom Wessner, 特斯拉的前任.  

乔纳森•史密斯, 精简充电CEO, 还有Shayaan G和hi, 战略领导, will represent the team at the VentureWell’s 开放思想创新者展示.

“streamlined Charging期待与创新创业行业的国家领导者建立联系,并向更广泛的受众展示我们的技术,史密斯说。. “宾州州立银行 is an amazing hub of entrepreneurial cultural 和 resources. 的 弗莱明CEED中心, Dr. 萨旦Kulturel-Konak,教授 凯瑟琳·豪泽 允许我们通过指导、工作空间和获得赠款和资金来加速我们的项目. We also never would have met many of our closest advisers 和 friends, including our mentors.”

甘地说:, “We are thrilled to be representing Streamline Charging at the OPENminds Innovator Showcase. 这是一个难得的机会,可以分享我们的创新解决方案,并与正在塑造技术和可持续发展未来的变革者们建立联系.”

“我们对streamlined Charging LLC团队成员致力于探索每一个机会来推进他们的客户发现和原型制作工作感到非常自豪,Kulturel-Konak评论道. “我很高兴能在OPENminds创新者展示会上陪同streamlined Charging团队,并见证他们与与会者的互动."

豪泽说, “的 team is currently pursuing several opportunities, 和 we look forward to offering them the support they need to succeed in their future endeavors.” 

与此同时, four members of the team will attend the Fast Track Accelerator program: Smith; G和hi, technical lead Rohan Chaudhary; 和 software lead Loc Phan.


关于VentureWell 开放思想创新者展示

OPENminds创新者展示会的特色是VentureWell E-Team项目的早期学生创新者,他们正在开发将改变世界的发明. 本次活动是E-Team项目校友展示其突破性技术创新的机会. This is an opportunity for E-Team Program innovators to showcase their inventions, 从事专业发展, receive feedback from numerous innovation 和 创业 educators, 赢得现金奖励.

About 欢乐谷LaunchBox powered by PNC Bank 

欢乐谷LaunchBox, located on the second floor of the 埃里克J. 巴伦创新中心 in downtown State College, 为早期创业公司提供支持和资源,帮助他们建立可持续的、可扩展的业务和可行的增长计划. No-cost programs 和 services can include coworking space, 加速器项目, 法律和知识产权 resources, 和 expert mentorships from Penn State’s extensive network. LaunchBox is open to everyone — community members 和 those affiliated with Penn State. 欢乐谷LaunchBox是“发明十大正规赌博平台大全”倡议的一个标志性项目,也是十大正规赌博平台大全校园社区21个创新空间之一.

This project was financed in part by a grant from the Commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚, Department of Community 和 Economic Development.  



萨旦Kulturel-Konak, professor of management information systems, 宾州州立银行
